What does make the Vehicle Tracking System in India is a Pioneer Technology?

Vehicle Tracking System in India
Vehicle Tracking System in India | Image Resource: pinimg.com

Tracking is a modern method of tracing the location of any equipment or vehicle. Apart from positioning the device or a vehicle, the technology is being used to rectify equipment issues and increase productivity. Tracking technology has a pivotal role in the transport industry as it helps to locate the bus station and locate the movement of logistics. 

Modern vehicle tracking system in India uses GPS (Global Positioning System) or GLONASS technology to locate the vehicle. There are several types of vehicle tracking systems that exist. But the major types are passive and active devices. Passive devices store vehicle location, speed, triggering of the key off or on, door open/close, etc. in the passive device, the data is being collected when the vehicle return to its predetermined position. But, the active devices transmit data, whenever requires, through a cellular or satellite network to a computer. 

In India, many modern tracking systems have been incorporated with a combination of passive and active devices. GPS tracking system in India consists of GPS tracking Unit, tracking server, and user interface. The tracking unit transmits data to the server and converts there into the server. The user interface makes the data accessible for the users. 

Uses of Vehicle Tracking System in India

GPS tracking system has been used for several purposes. 

  • It is commonly used in fleet management. To know the dispatching, onboarding, security, and routing of the vehicle, a tracking system is used in vehicles. 
  • It is also being used for theft prevention, monitoring, and retrieval of equipment. Police can follow the signals emitted from the device and locate the stolen vehicle.  
  • This technology is used in online taxi services to locate the vehicle and the traveler. 
  • Surveillance – a tracker may be placed on a vehicle to locate its movement
    Distance calculation

The tracking system has become a necessity as theft cases are rising. The GPS device allows you to monitor the movement and location of your vehicle. 

Another important feature of the GPS tracking system is to limit over-speed. This allows you to set a speed limit according to your convenience. Several types of tracking systems have been available in India. While selecting the tracker you have to carefully look into the specification and have to ensure that it meets the prescribed standards. GPS technology has integrated with several security systems to protect the vehicle.